As one of the leading national pavement experts, The Kercher Group draws on its knowledge of the latest pavement maintenance and rehabilitation technology to reduce a highway authority’s overall maintenance costs.

Kercher Group evaluates the current pavement condition and recommends repair and maintenance strategies to improve the integrity and durability of street surfaces. Because of its extensive experience in this arena, Kercher Group knows when new pavement technologies, such as micro-surfacing, NovaChip®, full-depth reclamation, and cold in-place recycling, can provide a cost-effective solution for pavement issues. Our Pavement Engineering services include:

  • Cost Estimating and Forecasting
  • Cold In-Place Recycling
  • Customized Pavement Management Programs
  • Flowable Fill
  • Full-Depth Reclamation
  • Geosynthetic Reinforcement
  • Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Planning
  • Micro-Surfacing
  • NovaChip® (Ultra-Thin Bonded Wearing Course)
  • Pavement Analysis and Assessments
  • Pavement Condition
  • Warm-mix Asphalt

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Let us partner with you to optimize your resources and make decisions that work today, tomorrow, and twenty years down the road.
