News | January 30, 2019

Town of Garner, NC uses data driven Pavement Management analysis to secure increased funding

Pavement management data and analysis identified the need to convince the Garner Town Council of the benefits of breaking the mill and fill mold and properly funding the most expensive asset the Town owns ($72M).  Our report, analysis and presentation were well received by the Council and resulted in...

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News | January 30, 2019

APWA’s 2019 Snow Conference

Kercher’s Henry Canipe will be leading two educational sessions at APWA’s 2019 Snow Conference in Salt Lake City on Map 19-20th2019.  Session titles are as follows: Developing and Using Equipment Utilization Standards Corrosion Mitigation – Lessons from Utah And Other State Dots Fleet Services A link to this conference...

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News | January 30, 2019

TRB Annual Meeting

The Kercher Group would like to thank all their friends and associates for a very successful TRB 2019. It was good to catch up and we hope that everyone has a prosperous 2019.

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News | January 11, 2019

Kercher Leadership Changes – New President – Steve Varnedoe

The Kercher Group, Inc., is excited to announce recent changes to its corporate leadership team.  Firm founder, Alan Kercher, has transitioned to a new role as Kercher’s Chief Executive Officer while Steve Varnedoe replaces Alan as Kercher’s President. Alan remains actively engaged in Kercher, with his new position providing...

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News | September 21, 2018

TSP2 Bridge Preservation Blog – A Conversation About Bridge Preservation

A good blog to follow: Scroll thru the blog and you will find some familiar folks!

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News | July 19, 2018

Successful webinar: Using Pavement Management to Set and Analyze Targets for Federal Reporting

We held a very successful TRB webinar on July 10 with 219 sites log in and an estimated 272 people attend from over 40 agencies. The presentation is available at this link for anyone who wants it. Here’s the link: For the recording, for anyone who was registered,...

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News | July 2, 2018

We are presenting a Pavement Management MAP-21 Webinar. You are invited!

Eric, Aaron and Charles will be presenting a webinar on July 10, 2018 02:00 PM – 03:30 PM U.S. Eastern on a way (maybe the only way!) of accurately predicting the % Good/Fair/Poor Federal metrics for MAP-21. The link is: The details are as follows: TRB will conduct...

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News | June 13, 2018

Western States Equipment Management Conference (WSHEMA)

Kercher’s Henry Canipe recently presented at the Western States Equipment Management Conference (WSHEMA). His presentation, Developing and Using Equipment Utilization Standards, can be found by clicking on Read More and following this link.

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News | June 13, 2018

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Fleet Work Order Analysis

Kercher is the prime contractor for this project to improve the quality of management data available to support its equipment fleet. This project seeks to identify the root cause of these issues and provide recommendations for addressing these shortcomings

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News | June 13, 2018

NCHRP 13-07, Guide to Calculating Ownership and Operating Costs of Department of Transportation Vehicle and Equipment Fleet

The objective of this research is to develop a guide for DOT fleet managers to calculate the fleet and equipment ownership and operations costs to support decision making.  Kercher is providing the Deputy Project Manager and is a major subcontractor for this project

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