The Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) has honored Berrien County with a 2019 TAMC Organization Award. The award was presented to Jason Latham of the Berrien County Road Department for their work on implementing improvement plans for their respective road and bridge networks, using asset management tools and principles. Latham and Bridge Consulting Engineer David Juntunen, P.E. (The Kercher Group, Inc.) provided a case study of Berrien County’s efforts in gathering data and developing an Asset Management Plan for the county’s 103 bridges.
The purpose of the TAMC Organization Award is to recognize leadership and setting forth a path of improvement for public agencies in response to the needs of their transportation network and infrastructure. TAMC established the Organization Award in 2009 to acknowledge those agencies that have incorporated the principles of asset management and adopted an asset management plan to help guide their investment decisions. Transportation asset management is a process of managing public assets, such as roads and bridges, based on the long-range condition of the entire transportation system.
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